After a disastrous showing at the Women Rock 1/2 Marathon in Chicago 2 weeks ago, I took a week off. It wasn't really related to the race we won't speak of again, as I usually take a running break after a big race. But I was just really down on myself after the Women Rock event............I was all set for a great run and should have nailed that race with an awesome PR. Instead I attempted to run after being awake for 26 straight hours, which as you can imagine, is not a very smart idea. Thus the disastrous time that I was not at all proud of.
But we can't mope and sulk forever!! I've got 4 big events to begin training for. (Is it odd that I base how hard I train for an event based on how much money I spent on it?) I started training for Tink Weekend this week. Tink Weekend consists of flying to Disneyland in January to run the Tinkerbell 10K on Saturday, and then run the Tinkerbell 1/2 Marathon on Sunday. Then I fly home only to turn around 5 weeks later and fly to Disney World and do the exact same thing. And my 10 yr old daughter is running the Tink 10K with me in Disneyland. So.....i've got a lot of money tied up in RunDisney events in the next few months. Time to start training.
I've already done 3 half marathons, and 2 10K's, so distance wise I feel confident I can do them, even the January and February back-to-back thing. My very first half marathon was followed up just 3 weeks later with a 10 Miler, and I felt that I had recovered enough and was able to keep up the running during the time between. My biggest issue right now is how to deal with doing a 10K on Saturday and half marathon on Sunday. Rarely do I ever run on back to back days, even short 3 mile training runs have a rest day in between. So I started the Jeff Galloway training program he put out for Double Dumbo Dare. I don't know why RunDisney hasn't put out training plans for Tink and Glass Slipper Challenge (the Saturday/Sunday challenge at Disney World) yet. We are about 18 weeks out for GSC, training should be underway already. Anyway....the first couple of weeks are normal training, short runs during the week followed by longer runs every other weekend. I can handle that no problem. But eventually it'll get to a short run AND a long run on the weekend. And that will happen right about the time the weather here gets really cold and rainy and likely a bit of snow on the ground. I see miles and miles of treadmill running in my future. Yippee....who's with me!???
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